Secondary School Students' Perceptions of Experiencing Heritage Sites in Türkiye's UNESCO World Heritage List through VR Technology




UNESCO World Heritage List, VR technology, Cultural heritage, Natural heritage, Mixed Heritage, Social studies.


The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions of secondary school students towards experiencing some natural, cultural and mixed heritage sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List of Türkiye through virtual reality (VR) technology. The research group of the study consists of 20 secondary school students studying in a public school in Sakarya province in the 2023-2024 academic year. The research was carried out within the framework of phenomenology research design from qualitative research methods. ‘VR Technology Experience Interview Form’ was used to collect data in the study and the data were analysed by descriptive analysis method. The research revealed that secondary school students had the most intense views of ‘the opportunity to observe’ and ‘the opportunity to have experience’ in their views on the VR technology experience itself, and that they had the most intense view of ‘spatial awareness of the heritage site itself’ in their views on experiencing heritage sites with VR technology. According to another result in the study, it was determined that secondary school students used the expressions related to the feelings of ‘liking, having fun, being excited’, which correspond to the theme of ‘positive feelings’ most intensely in their feelings towards the VR technology experience itself.



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How to Cite

Cebeci, Y., Karaman, Z., & Yücel, E. B. (2024). Secondary School Students’ Perceptions of Experiencing Heritage Sites in Türkiye’s UNESCO World Heritage List through VR Technology. International Journal of Education and Science Research, 1(1), 20–39.