Examining postgraduate theses for lesson study: A meta-synthesis study
Lesson study, professional development, graduate thesis, meta-synthesis.Abstract
This study aims to reveal the current status of graduate thesis studies on lesson study, which is a teacher professional development approach that has recently become widespread in Turkey. The postgraduate theses were accessed from the Thesis Center database of the Council of Higher Education by using the keywords ''ders imecesi'', ''ders araştırması'' and ''lesson study''. A total of 66 postgraduate thesis studies were identified with the specified keywords. A total of 29 doctoral and 23 master's theses published between 2012 and 2023 that met the research criteria were included in the study. The results of the studies included in the research were analyzed by content analysis using the meta-synthesis technique. As a result of the analysis, in terms of research approaches and methods, it was determined that the majority of the theses were conducted with qualitative research approach and case study method, mostly with mathematics teachers at the secondary school level and in mathematics courses. It was determined that individual interviews, classroom observations, and lesson plans as documents were used as data collection tools, and content analysis was mostly preferred in data analysis. It was found that there was a significant increase in the number of graduate theses on lesson study especially after 2018. It is seen that graduate theses on course study focused on the dimensions of students, teachers/prospective teachers and course study implementation. With the student dimension, the concepts of academic achievement and with the teacher/pre-service teachers dimension, the concepts of teaching knowledge and skills were mostly addressed. With the dimension of lesson study practice, it was determined that the stages of lesson study were mostly examined. In the context of the effects of Lesson Study, it was found that the studies mostly focused on the academic achievement of the students and the planning skills of teachers and teacher candidates. In the dimension of implementation difficulties, the concept of time emerges. Some suggestions were made within the framework of the research results.
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